Chameleon resources are deployed, configured, and operated by the University of Chicago and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) to serve a large research community. It is important that all users are aware of and abide by this Acceptable Use Policy. Failure to do so may result in suspension or cancellation of the project and associated allocation and closure of all associated logins. Illegal transgressions will be addressed through the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin), the University of Chicago, and/or legal authorities.
Users agree to abide by the following policies. Failure to do so will lead to disciplinary actions described in the next section.
All UsersBecause Chameleon resources are physically located at TACC and the University of Chicago, users are additionally subject to and are agreeing to abide by the following policies:
Users are prohibited from running applications that mine cryptocurrency and/or use block-chain technology for personal gain. Exceptions must be requested in advance and will be approved at TACC's discretion. Violations of this policy will result in user's access to TACC resources being terminated.
Disciplinary actions for infractions includes, but is not limited to the following:
Users must choose a strong password that should be unique to your Chameleon username. All passwords are required to meet the following criteria:
Accounts will be deactivated for any of the following reasons:
PI RequestAn account deactivation request by a PI will result in the account being denied access to use the PI's project's allocation, and if the account does not have access to another active project it will be then additionally be deactivated.
Project ExpirationUpon project expiration, all accounts (PI and users) will be immediately denied access to the allocation.
Violation of PolicyAny user account determined to be in violation of this policy will be subject to the Disciplinary Actions described above, and may immediately be denied access to Chameleon without notification depending on the severity of the event.
Account InactivityUser accounts will be deactivated due to inactivity after 120 calendar days. This will be done automatically and users will have to submit a ticket to have their account reactivated. A successful login to the Chameleon portal, or any TACC resource (including the TACC User Portal) will reset this inactivity timer.
PIs and users agree to NOT install or use any software or data that falls under the following protected categories: International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), Export Administration Regulations (EAR), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), or any other protected control without first contacting [email protected], so that an appropriate agreement such as a Business Associate Agreement (BAA), Technology Control Plan (TCP), Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU), or other relevant agreement between UT-Austin, University of Chicago, and the PI or home intuition will be in place before such software or data can be installed or used on Chameleon. Violations of this policy will result in the immediate removal of said software and/or data and deactivation of related projects, allocations, and user accounts.
Chameleon provides FPGA resources, and the FPGA build environment includes software that is subject to export control regulations resulting in restricted access as follows:
Upon project expiration or termination of an active project all data will remain on Chameleon resources for thirty (30) days. All data stored in the TACC archival storage system will be maintained for a period of eighteen (18) months and will be read only.
Chameleon users are encouraged to request assistance when necessary. All requests for support must be submitted through the Chameleon Help System.
Users may submit refund requests for jobs that terminate abnormally that can be attributed to hardware and system software failure. Users should implement safeguards such as snapshotting to minimize the amount of lost time due to job failure.
Information regarding important Chameleon activities, including system availability and upgrades, training classes, allocation renewal notifications, and holiday consulting coverage will be communicated to the user community via User News. Users are automatically subscribed to User News. Users may unsubscribe from User News, but then must assume responsibility and outcomes for not receiving User News via email by finding the information in the appropriate locations on the Chameleon portal.
An acknowledgement of support from the Chameleon project and the National Science Foundation should appear in any publication of material, whether copyrighted or not, that describes work which benefited from access to Chameleon cyberinfrastructure resources. The suggested acknowledgement is as follows: "Results presented in this paper were obtained using the Chameleon testbed supported by the National Science Foundation".